Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunglasses for the Summer

Women's "Carerra Stroke"
$105 on

Ray Ban $129

Gipsy by Carrera
$ 140 @ Bloomingdales

Ray Ban

Panamerika by Carrera
$ 150 @ Bloomingdales

Let's Get em!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Moving Forward

It always takes just that one last push to move away from something that's not good for you and start fresh somewhere else. I'm so excited to finally stop procrastinating and get everything in place for school in the upcoming Fall semester at Queens College. Everything happens in its due time and I think for me all the stars were aligned and now it just feels right where I'm at in life. As abruptly as things end it just makes room for good to come. My sister is my inspiring force for this nip procrastination in the butt attitude. Why wait for things to just happen to me. I need to go out and make them happen. Doing what feels right. Having fun...after all, tis Summer. Life is too short. Who wants to age prematurely. lol