Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bartender Truth, 10 years in the making...

I have been fortunate enough to work in the Restaurant business as a Bartender for almost 10 years. My past jobs over the years span from Business, usually Accounting jobs to anything in Non-Profit. Bartending has been the most financially sustainable thus far and found I have a real nack for affecting peoples lives while making money at the same time. Perfect combo. Being a successful Bartender in New York City gives me a real sense that I am in charge of aspects of the job and how much money I can attain. Now on to the nitty gritty of this job. I know you've seen those funny videos on Bartender truths and behaviors by patrons. It seems we all have the same stories across the board. It's really amazing. We become peoples psychiatrist, life coach, friend, advice giver, even match-maker. These are all things that make up our 8-12 hour shifts. And the money we get to do all this isn't even close to what we should be getting. It can be exhausting not only physically but mentally as well. Aside from the fun stuff Bartending entails, the downside can be really off putting to most. 1. The Zero dollar paychecks... and I mean Zero, because if you are on the books and don't make enough it can all go to taxes. So you are basically working for FREE until your first customer and that first tip. And we all know that can be a long time until that happens on a slow day shift. 2. #METOO No secret this industry is built on what people look like and how we dress and act. It has been or was acceptable to do what you needed or take any treatment by management, coworkers, or patrons, to get that tip. With the Me Too movement that has come to the forefront. It is time to hold people accountable for their actions, even our own. We have no human resources departments especially in Mom and Pop Restaurants, so who do you tell if your job is infringing on your human rights, self esteem, and the ability to do your job in a safe space. We work for tips by providing a service but we don't just do anything for it, and should not tolerate any and all bad behavior period! 3. We are not slaves! You come to me for a service by providing food and drink. Don't be that person who wants everything done for them, exactly how you like it, says this has been the best service, you are amazing, and doesn't tip. Do not leave your house if you don't have money to eat, drink, and TIP! Tipping is not an incentive program. Even if it's bad service it's a service. So if you had someone just wait on you and you didn't appreciate the level they provided, DO NOT tip nothing. That means you just aided in slavery. We are not your personal bartender or short order cook. 4. TIP in Cash! People are carrying cash less and less but please, I implore you tip anyone providing a service in cash. Our tips should not be taxed by the establishment because the customer wants to use a Debit/Credit card. I've gone on a little long, but its my first post back in years. Lot's to say. More to come! Thank you for reading! One of my favorite quotes... "Be the Change you wish to See in the World" -GHANDI Love and Light

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dear Polo,

I know what it feels to be helpless in a world of good and evil, in a world that can take human souls, chew them up and spit them out. But what is it to feel hopeless. They say that's what makes us human beings and different from other animals because we have Hope. So when someone is hopeless and loses faith in themselves, life, love, and the world, why is the best thing to do is remove themselves from it? Polo I wish I could get a do over to give you more of my time towards the end of your days. Where there's new life there's death, where there's happiness there's always sadness. Truly Ying and Yang of the world we live in. I believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe the hurt would be even more unbearable the more I knew of your sadness and wanting to leave us. We are not immortal. Everyone leaves this world at some point. Some way too young and some way too soon. Polo you were one of those who left us way too soon. It saddens my heart that what has been left here representing you leaves a bitter taste in everyone's mouth, not of how you lived, not of how you died, but how your memory will live on. Those who knew you will combat that bitterness with sweet and happy memories of the person you were. How giving and sweet, thoughtful and down to earth, a hard worker and someone who wanted to make it better. Ive never lost someone this way and hope I never do again. I will try everyday to be a better me and let people know how much they mean to me. RIP now until eternity. And you will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Inspirational and motivational

Every single episode of The Biggest Loser always makes me cry. Just the transformation that people make on this show inspires me all the time. If you haven't watched an episode get on it. NBC Mondays at 8pm eastern


Real talk!

Hipster Rogers...it's only the beginning.

A fan already


Friday, January 18, 2013

The end of the Last Lecture...

So as I finally wrapped up this amazing book I am truly blessed and grateful to have received this gift. So thank you Ariel. And in return I paid it forward twice.

Im just taking this time to wrap up on the last couple of chapters and key things that stood out to me:
Chapter 39: Be the first Penguin
EXPERIENCE is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. How true is that. It comes into play when hitting those brick walls again or disappointments. It's all about how you take it and move forward with your life and grow from there leading me into a very important lesson that I always thought to be vital in life just as a human being. Randy would always tell his students "go out and do for others what somebody did for you". I've always known this in life. And if I could help anyone with my experience then I've done something right in my life and it's super rewarding.
Another key thing that I take away with me from this book is the art of an apology. I was struggling with this and probably have done it wrong in the past...a lot, but here are his 3 key parts:
1. What I did was wrong
2. I feel badly that I hurt you
3. How do I make this better?
Simple right. Lol. You try it.

Chap 48: tell the truth all the time!
Plain and simple

Work on your true potentiality. A lot of us myself included don't use even a inkling of our potential every day. Know you can always be better everyday. Words to live by and follow.

I laughed and cried while reading this book. Taking with me all the lessons I learned. Start small one day at a time whether its your health and what you eat or exercise. Building stronger friendships reaching out to someone you haven't spoken to in a while or just nourishing the ones you see everyday. Laugh more, cry, don't judge. Have an open heart and mind to things and people and you'll see it in a whole new light. And as his common thread throughout the book of following your dreams like when you were a child... Dream Big! Dream Small! Just Dream!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Chap 25 Training A Jedi...

Luck is where preparation meets opportunity...