Thursday, April 17, 2008

Love is Relative

love IS relative

To each is own,,,,as they say. We should hold that statement true when dealing with love and individual relationships. Love is different in each situation.  It's interesting how we try to help out our homies when they have an issue in their relationship, and we think we are helping and they do the total opposite.  Or you've had friends cry on your shoulder about how they are gonna leave their significant other and you are like "yea" , "do it", "it's better for you", and two days later they have worked it out.  Love is not logical or rational.  It is a string of actions that leads a person to believe and feel a certain way that nothing and no one can come in between whether it's absolutely perfect or a bit abusive.  

To each is own. No one can understand your love or how you love,,,well fully anyway.  There is always something we keep to ourselves that we don't divulge so we aren't judged and so that we don't feel completely vulnerable.   It's our own little defense mechanism I think.  Speak truthfully, love freely, and hold no regrets.

love IS relative,,,

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