Monday, July 26, 2010

A New Angel In Heaven RIP Sadie 7/22/10

When a life is taken as precious as hers was,,,the one question always flows like the Nile River. "Why?" Why was her life taken in this that sudden moment? Why did it happen the way it did? ....then we move into what does it all mean. Life...Each Day. What am I put here on this earth to do? Who's lives are better because we are in them? Mine was because she was in it as I'm sure everyone's was. Saydie is in a better place now. Being at the wake was such a feeling of uncertainty of what was to come. And as I looked around at all the faces of the people she touched, a calm came over me. There were smiles and laughs, sadness just to lose her being, remembering her straight up attitude, and the love you knew she had for her family, to know that she wont be here anymore drew the tears. She won't walk thru the Pine doors pushing lil RJ. But soon he'll be walking thru and he will remind us of her, as he grows into a lil boy, teenager, young man, and adult. Living because his mother was self less and gave him the opportunity to be apart of this world. She touched lives, she was an inspiration to all, she taught me about love and true patience. In her young 32 years on this earth, I truly believed she lived it to her fullest potential. You will be missed Saydie. We love you. Rest now.

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