Wednesday, September 8, 2010

College Student in 2010

Who would have thunk it. Everyone wished it for me. It just took me 8 years to get here. Now I'm here. A Queens College Student/Bartender/Divorcee. Well better late than never I always say. It's the journey I believe and will always believe that makes this life worth living. Oh the lessons I've learned so far will only help me for the ones I'm gonna learn in the upcoming days, months, years; till graduation 2012. Already the readings are intense. Pages and pages and pages. And that's just two classes so far. Waiting for the other 2 books to come in. Interesting needless to say so far. I'm glad I came back now. I'm able to at 29 to really appreciate college. There isn't as much anxiety to fit in, and the need to have a posse, I can enjoy the campus and the people who are there doing the same thing I am. Learning.

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