Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Giving Back this Holiday Season is as easy as a LIKE!

Pepto Bismol has teamed up with Scott Emmerson from Modern Family and Feeding America to hence....Feed America. =) Go to www.facebook.com/peptobismol and click the LIKE button, they will send out 8 meals. It's that simple!. Have a wonderful Holiday Season!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Sweep!!!

Of Course they were trying to stop them before Thursday. If they would've just shut the F up about their plans for shutting down wall street the authorities wouldn't have been in such a scurry to get them out. SMH!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


"If you are Confident...You are Beautiful...Then you can Love....And be Loved!"

It was a subtitle to an old post I had written months ago when I was going through a self reflective period but follow it more so nowadays.

The Summer has come and gone and I haven't written in a while, so I'm dusting off the old keys. Time with friends and family filled my days, baseball games, traveling, working hard, babies births, parties and enjoying life seemed to make the days intertwine and make the summer months fly. Slowly but surely I started to find myself again; trying to let go of negativity and pain that was keeping me in a bubble of hate. Last month a special person in my life passed away suddenly. A shock to my entire family and myself, I started to realize how precious and short this life can be. Instead of asking the questions Why my family? Why my uncle? Why GOD?,,, I started asking my self What do you do with your days?, Do you make them worth it?, Do you dwell on the little things?, Do you love unconditionally?, Do you laugh?, Do you treat people the way you want to be treated?, Do you Live?...Out of grief can come a sense of clarity. What are the negatives that you are holding on to in life? And are they worth it?

As I reflected on my life I truly realized that what I was holding on to in my past wasn't making me better for the future I wanted, or even making me better for tomorrow. When I decided to start letting the pain, anger, and hurt go, and really started to FORGIVE, and ask to be FORGIVEN it was like a 50 pound weight started to lift in an instant. I thought I could be mad forever and be happy doing other things. But what I've realized is that when you hold on to negativity in your body, heart, and soul it truly doesn't let you be open to much positivity. When you Let Go of it all, things happen that you never thought would. Light comes into your life when you let go of the darkness, pain, and hurt. You can become better and you can really shock yourself. You grow forward, live happier, and a sense of peace transcends it all.

-Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Feeling the hurt
Being in it to get over it
16 years for one journey of hurt & forgiveness
16 months for the other
"Gravity" by Sara Bareilles getting me to a raw place
About "addiction"
To me about not being able to rise above because of the hurt and pain
And it's keeping me down
Going back to that little girl who's daddy left
Going back to that 29 year old woman who's friend destroyed her for a lil while
"Set me free, leave me be,"
"Here I stand, So tall like I'm supposed to be,"
"Loved me cuz I'm fragile, When I thought I was strong"
"Set me free, Leave me be"
"You're neither friend nor foe, But one thing I know is that you're keeping me Down"
Gonna RISE above. Go through this pain and GET OVER IT!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nina's Story...(Gay Marriage..a lil too late for her)

As I headed into the City on Sunday June 26, 2011 for my first Gay Pride Parade it was just an overwhelming feeling of peace after a couple of days of not having that. I wasn't going into what can be sometimes the pretentious city,,,on this day it was filled with the colors of the rainbow and love that just put a smile on my face. Seeing everyone come out of all shapes and sizes, colors, men, women, kids, parents, straight couples, old people, made me feel like this is really one parade that brings a wider variety of people out together than I've ever seen in my 30 years. As the blockades kept us from the destination of choice we came into Riviera Restaurant.

Enter Nina. A 40 something woman who asks me to help her fix her phone. So I did,,,cuz I'm nice like that. =) lol She ends up pulling up the stool next to me and ordering herself a cosmo. As the news plays on the television above, the update on gay marriage comes on and she cheers followed by her story about her 20 year relationship that just ended 2 years ago. She said this woman was the love of her life. Had always wanted to marry her. I said what happened? She proceeds to state that because they couldn't get married the relationship came to an end. Now 2 years later when all Nina wanted to do was marry the woman of her dreams, and can now, can't because she is no longer around.

It got me to thinking...don't shut down from loving. To give up. Don't put an icebox where you heart use to be. Live, Love, Dream. Don't just watch the ocean, jump in. Don't just watch the rain,,run in it. Don't just watch people be in love, love yourself, love someone, love life.