Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nina's Story...(Gay Marriage..a lil too late for her)

As I headed into the City on Sunday June 26, 2011 for my first Gay Pride Parade it was just an overwhelming feeling of peace after a couple of days of not having that. I wasn't going into what can be sometimes the pretentious city,,,on this day it was filled with the colors of the rainbow and love that just put a smile on my face. Seeing everyone come out of all shapes and sizes, colors, men, women, kids, parents, straight couples, old people, made me feel like this is really one parade that brings a wider variety of people out together than I've ever seen in my 30 years. As the blockades kept us from the destination of choice we came into Riviera Restaurant.

Enter Nina. A 40 something woman who asks me to help her fix her phone. So I did,,,cuz I'm nice like that. =) lol She ends up pulling up the stool next to me and ordering herself a cosmo. As the news plays on the television above, the update on gay marriage comes on and she cheers followed by her story about her 20 year relationship that just ended 2 years ago. She said this woman was the love of her life. Had always wanted to marry her. I said what happened? She proceeds to state that because they couldn't get married the relationship came to an end. Now 2 years later when all Nina wanted to do was marry the woman of her dreams, and can now, can't because she is no longer around.

It got me to thinking...don't shut down from loving. To give up. Don't put an icebox where you heart use to be. Live, Love, Dream. Don't just watch the ocean, jump in. Don't just watch the rain,,run in it. Don't just watch people be in love, love yourself, love someone, love life.

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