Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gotta love it!

Creator Hectah

Izza Kizza Download it now!

Come join us!!!

Sunday the 27th of July @ 7:30..

Southside Speakeasy
245 S. 1st. street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
J,M,Z to marcy or L to bedford

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Eco Fashion

If you love shoes like myself,,,this is an amazing brand.  Natalie Portman has a vegan shoe line available at these boutiques.


As a global brand, diversity and embracing difference is part of the fabric. The name Té Casan (tae-ca-sahn), “A Woman’s Path”, is Gaelic and originates from the inspiration of a global name that represents no specific nation or language and refers to all women. The search for the name was conducted on three different continents.

continents. It defines a universal identity with all women but belonging to no one particular country, place or person. The name embraces the legacy and strength of all women; of women, for women.

An Angel

To a beautiful spirit
To a beautiful soul
May you watch down upon your children
From an eternal home

May you hurt no more
Tho we shed tears for you
But knowing your spirit shines bright
Eases hearts to know you start a new

You will be missed
You will forever be loved
Remembering you always
Fills our hearts with joy as you watch from above

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Flyin High

So high iiiiiiii,,,

everything in motion stays in motion

to go forward
to go back
the push, the pull
the not knowing
feeling with your heart
thinking with your mind
being present to what's in front of u at the moment
living free, no worries (hakuna matata)  =)
keep moving
the universe will assist you
be fearless
have an open heart

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008



Thursday, July 17, 2008

New done right

Still amazing myself. I never thought I could be ok at a driving range and actually hit the ball and not have it go straight over the edge. LOL  I am glad to get the opportunity to do up New York before I head to Georgia in the Fall. Good friends are always a good thing. The city looked beautiful in the day and the night from the pier. You almost take for granted the beauties of the city.  I'm appreciating it everyday.   

2nd time around @ Fuerza Bruta

There is LIGHT at the end of the TUNNEL

life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, good and bad.  sometimes it can feel like the whole world is working with you at one moment and against you the next.  we as human beings are so resilient to somehow bounce back and keep moving, living, loving. when things get us down, or happen to us we think we can never recover from, know that the old saying is tru, what doesn't kill you will definitely make you stronger. everyday I get stronger.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Album drops July 29th!!!

Interview by Tracy Forsyth-Lundy
Check out the pics created by the one and only on BackstageLiveMagazine

As you all know, I have been an absolute die hard Rock & Roll fan for more years than I can recall, however I have also come to adore some artists in the hip-hop as well as R&B genres. Timbaland has discovered some fabulous talent in his career & I have tried to focus in on as many of those artists as I can as they are the future of music.

Izza Kizza (AKA Terry Davis) is one of Timbaland's spectacular finds. How Tim came across Izza is one of "those fate situations" Kizza told me during our memorable phone conversation. "It turned out to be a great situation for me" he said with great enthusiasm.

Izza was actually interested in Science such as Archaeology, Animal Studies & really anything to do with nature or animals before he found his love for music. He had planned on becoming an archaeologist digging away for dinosaur bones before he realized that music was a true passion & now he is digging for those gold records. Izza performed on Timbaland's 'Shock value' cd and now he is busy in the studio working on his own full cd for all of us to revel in. "I'm trying for this summer" says Kizza in regards to the actual release time for this cd. He then hopes to follow up with a second & third cd to follow right behind going right into 2009. "Tim is going to embrace this project…he'll put his all into it. I'll make tit good & Tim will make it great' says Kizza.

Enjoying everything about his career right now, Kizza is having the time of his life working with Tim/ "I've admired Tim since I was a child" says Kizza. "My life is full of excitement right now, some of my favorite songs are produced by Tim" says Izza. Kizza also mentioned to me that the first time he heard 'Apologize' on Tim's CD he loved the song. He has also been a huge fan of Missy Elliot's work and managed to record one of his songs with her titled 'Walk the Dawg', it has a totally catchy hook to it and I love how the song was composed. My absolute favorite song of Izza's right now is 'Red Wine', it shows how versatile Izza really is with his music. His raspy yet oh so sexy voice shines in this song. You gotta hear it!

Keeping himself surrounded with positive people is key to Izza kizza. "Family & a strong team of management, everybody is a positive spirit' says Kizza. Izza is also a very proud father to his 8 year old son; "I want him to grow up in the South like I did" says Izza. Kizza grew up in what he called the Deep South in Georgia & feels that this is where his son needs to be in order to gain what he will need in life. Izza pulls inspiration from normal day-to-day stuff as well as past experiences when he writes & this dude loves being surprised. Note to self Ladies – the man likes surprises!

Looking into the rest of this year Izza has a very full agenda. Recording in New Jersey right now Izza is 100% focused ..ing off his first cd project. He is also looking to start up a non-profit organization for kids. "I'm not sure what direction it will take yet, but I'm working on it. I want kids to be able to have access to music and instruments, so hopefully it will be along those lines". Says Kizza.

Fans are also of the utmost importance to Izza. "Seeing them go crazy & the energy and love people give you because they love your music" is what Izza says he loves the most about getting on stage for all of you.

Recently adding a new song to his MySpace page titled "Here I Izz' for all to hear – the man certainly has an awesome sense of humor – no doubt about that! Kizza says to watch his MySpace page, he has a new one coming out as well as working with Ashlee Simpson on her new cd as well.

Our conversation was so easy to be a part of, he is intelligent, polite, extremely talented and certainly down to earth. Make sure to stop by his MySpace page and check out his rhymes – he IS the one and only Izza Kizza & he is right here in Backstage Live Magazine.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Keys

I really amaze myself sometimes.  My miami vacation is amazing so far and I'm only 3 days in.  The weather has been beautiful, the water warm, and my tan is coming along. =)  Hanging with my great friends is nothing short of fabulous. =)  Last night we went for Sushi then to LoveHate for drinks and I got to see Ami from Miami Ink.  Last time it was Garver.  Today was a special day though.  I really am learning that I am all about change and having the word Never be replaced with I'll try that once. lol  So today my friends and I went to get tattoos.  My girl and I got matching ones, and her hubby got a dope tattoo of his sign.  I haven't told you the best part.  So I went first so I wouldn't chicken out,,,and as I sat in the chair Alicia Keys Teenage Love Affair played,,,, I look at my friend and thought and said OMG!!!!    Getting Keys on our wrists while Ms. Keys serenades me.  It couldn't have been better.  Our tattoo guy was amazingly fast and funny.  He was gentle ;)  Thank you Ami.  He gave us our needle. I'ma make it into something just you watch. I'm connected to these people for life now.  They are amazing, I'm amazing, Lifes amazing. Pictures coming soon!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Go check him out,,,gotta luv him!

Independence Day,,Weekend

Spent it working,,,everyone was away the city was soo quiet ugh. But I got to see two movies woohoo with my peoples.  Hancock and WANTED.  Hancock was alright.  Some might say they preferred Hancock over wanted but I loved WANTED more.  I'm a big action person and this was filled with it.  Sick,,,thats all I can say.  It held my attention the whole time.  Angelina looked amazing,,,she was so bad ass and a lot of the looks she gave were too cute. Go check it out Moviefone

Hung out with my homegirls,,,I'ma miss them when I leave to Georgia,,,we partied hard. lol Always do,,no shock,

Tomorrow I leave for Miami,,,can't wait,,well maybe I should pack and get off of the computer,,right?  lol I'm a dork. Hold down the NYC for me. 

July 1st,,,,

It was a tough day,,,didn't know how to feel.