Monday, September 29, 2008

Gas Shortage in GA!!!

So I get to Georgia on Friday and I had been for warned that there was no gas down here due to Hurricane Ike knocking out the oil refineries. I didn't believe how bad it was till you see the lines of cars for one gas station. Businesses are slow cuz people are afraid to go out and waste gas. Conversations around should you even go to work just to save the little you have. Fancy cars all gassed out on the sides of the roads. In a time where we were watching the gas prices sky rocket, in this part of town people are limited to only 20 or 30 dollars worth. It's like being in the twilight zone when it comes to looking at these empty gas stations in rows with no prices on them and no cars in sight. Something needs to be done.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't Get Crazy!!!

I received this email and thought it was important to share.

It read: Please, please, please advise everyone you know that they absolutely can NOT go to the polls wearing any Obama (or whoever you are voting for) shirts, pins, hats, etc. It is AGAINST THE LAW and will be grounds to have the polling officials to turn you away. This is considered campaigning and no one can campaign within X amount of feet of the polls. They are banking on us being overly excited and not being aware of this long standing law that you can bet will be ENFORCED THIS YEAR!!!!!

They are banking that if you are turned away, you will not go home and change your clothes and return to the polls to vote. Please just don't wear ANY gear of any sorts to the polls! Please share this information with as many people as you can. If you are already aware of this, please don't take it as insulting your intelligence.

Have a great day and see you at the polls on November 4th.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

L.O.V.E on MTB4

Love is in the air for Dawn and Q. What's so endearing about watching these two in the beginning blooming stages of their relationship, is that we've all had those feelings once or twice or every time we get with a new person that's worth something. You watch them and either can't help but smile and say "I want that or have that",,or say,,"Wait, it won't last long".  But what happens when the newness fades,,what I'm finding,,is that the LOVE, the real LOVE, grows stronger, but not by chance, by work. When the emotions of the grand fairy tale ideas don't necessarily come tru by story book standards, like always being swept off your feet, if you have true love, it exists in everything. It's not flowers and candy, gifts, dates, everyday sex. It's the appreciation that everyday you are able to be with that person and enjoy them for who they are, what they are giving to the relationship, and how they continue to grow, and how you continue to grow separate and together. Through trials and errors, through forgiveness and honesty,  through good times and everyday times,,,,that's LOVE.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dancing with the Stars!!!!

Dancing with the Stars is up and running again.  This season there are a lot of different and interesting dancers and a couple of new professionals.  My front runners are Warren Sapp, Lance Bass, and Brooke Burke.  Let's see how the season plays out. 

Watch tonight!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dominican Power in Fashion


Dominicans representin' in US fashion. Arlenis Sosa is the newest 19 year old Dominican Model from Santo Domingo, to hit the runways in over a dozen shows at Fashion Week, fashion magazines like US Vogue and the "Black Issue" in Italian Vogue, and in 2009 will be the new face for Lancome. She is a cutie, tall, and seems like she has a great future ahead of her. She was spotted in D.R. as she was walking with her family in El Malecon and they approached her. Unlike a lot of girls in the states who's dream it is to become a supermodel or superstar, school was the number 1 priority in her family. As is for many Dominican fams. So like the successful Omayrah Mota, I'm sooo rooting for Arlenis and all my dominicans doing their thing.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Love Hate Lounge Miami

It could be primarily viewed as a rock 'n' roll bar, but Love Hate Lounge serves up a variety of music, including old school hip-hop which I love. They always throw on old Jay-Z and Biggie that gets the crowd singing along every time. New York is definitely in the building. lol When I'm in Miami I have to come here. The vibe is chill, the ambiance is cool, and the people are down to earth. Occasionally I've seen Ami and Chris roll through (Owners/who also own Miami Ink). The drinks are kinda expensive ($8 bucks for a vodka/cran) but they are strong as hell. So next time your in Miami definitely roll through.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Get your Jeans On!

Now I can't do the High Waisted Jean as Jlo does so well here, outside TRL in 07',,, but I am definitely gonna get into the more mid rise jean due to my long torso. I've been trying to rock the low rise jeans and it's come time to change.

It's always so hard to buy jeans that look great, are different, funky, and perfect for my body. I always am giving up one thing for another. Well no more. It's funny, I'm 5'4, short legs, long torso, with curves. So finding the perfect jean is no cake walk. When I stand up on the bus or train I'm one of the shorties, But once I sit down I am almost as tall as the 6'0 dude next to me. Well I'm on a mission. If you have any spots I should definitely check out lemme know.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nuttin But Stringz

Outta Queens. ...My sister knows them. =) They HOT!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Benzo Is Going Green!

See,,Now,,,this is my kind of car. Holla. My future car is now going green. Theoretically I would get a hybrid to do my part for the planet. So now, when I splurge it'll be for a good reason, and something that's good on the environment, and something that'll look good on me. lol ;)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Train Ride to Flushing

"The only freedom deserving the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental, or spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest."-John Stuart Mill

Sitting on my long ass train ride from the city, almost getting to my stop, I open my eyes and look up. There is this paragraph by John Stuart Mill and it hit home. There has been a lot of political talk these days which is great that people are getting involved. But this hit home. Let people be who they are gonna be. Give them the information and the tools but it's up to them to use it.

Follow Up: Researching John Stuart Mill I found another dope perspective.

“He who lets the world, or his own portion of it, choose his plan of life for him, has no need of any other faculty than the ape-like one of imitation. He who chooses his plan for himself, employs all his faculties. He must use observation to see, reasoning and judgement to foresee, activity to gather materials for decision, discrimination to decide, and when he has decided, firmness and self-control to hold to his deliberate decision. "

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Inspiration! My Generation U...Can

Can't believe this is the only youtube of this performance but,,I LOVE THEM! I'M SO INSPIRED BY THEM. SO TALENTED!


Makin Moves

Georgia on my mind,, just not in my pocket right now. lol  Gonna give myself some more time. =) But I'm coming,,don't sleep.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

BBC News @ 6pm

Check it out!!!  BBC News

I loved watching this.  I know I'm mad late.  Just got on. lol  No fluff, all news from all over. No celebrities. No Bull shit. Grrrreat!  Today's news.  Bush wants to withdraw 8,000 troops from Iraq to come home,,and send 4,500 back out to Afghanistan. Wow!

You won't believe what happened at Adam's Funeral

Me, Bilal, Kid Cudi, 88 Keys, Crystal, Just Blaze
Donnell Rawlins

88 Keys-The Death of Adam

The beautiful Right Gin Loft was transformed for the funeral of 88's dear friend Adam. Oh poo. Poor Adam. =( I was one of the baby mamas so I came to find out. What a player.  I'm sitting there a midst Bilal, Q-Tip, Kid Cudi, Lynn & Wade, 88 Keys, and other friends mourning Adam, and Donnell Rawlins calls for the mother of Adams child to stand.  I was trying to be discrete and attend the funeral with no drama,,but then I see this chick jump up, like she is his one and only,, I was like oh hell no. Que Puta!  So I had to call her out.  I woulda knocked her out if they didn't get in between us. I got ya number mama! Miss Info almost got it on tape. 

Izza Kizza New Video "Hello" Can ya spot me? lol

Izza Kizza -Hello from Izza Kizza on Vimeo.

Check this out!  Kizza's new video.  I think it's dope. Hectah did an amazing job! Glad I could be apart of it. Can you find me? It's like Where's Waldo Hip Hop style. lol

Izza Kizza - Hello

By Chad Jordan
Straight from Attorney Street, check what they had to say about Izza Kizza and his latest video; Hectah is an amazingly talented multimedia artist who is responsible for all of my creative photos, graphics, artwork, myspace layouts, and viral videos. Basically he is the entire visual element of me, and we completely inspire each other. Hectah approached me and said that he wanted to try and do a video for a song from my Kizzaland mix-tape. He chose “Hello” since he thought it the song was crazy and “didn’t get the exposure it deserved”. Since we had zero money to make a video for a mix-tape, he had this idea of taking upwards of 20,000 photos on a small laptop in the i-photo program, and sequence them together in stop motion/ time lapse photography all in a mac i-book. I didn’t know what all of that meant at first (sounded like some flux capacitor -10,000- gigawatts back to the future type shit), so I just went with the flow and put my trust in him and his idea. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the next thing you know I was walking around Union Square in NYC with a laptop strapped to my chest. Necessity is truly the mother of invention. Steve jobs would be proud. This is the final result….enjoy”

Monday, September 8, 2008

Be the Change! Stand up! Enough!

I am my brother's keeper,I am my sister's keeper, we have to do it for eachother. Our generation! 

Power by Example? or Example by Power?

Global Warming
Money does grow on trees, but don't cut down the freaken trees, and if you do, make sure to plant another seed. 

Brush fires, floods, polar ice cap, earthquakes, God is saying STOP!

When you get to College, education is a business.
Really teach our kids in junior high and elementary school how to be prosperous. 

Small businesses need to step up. 

Internet (If you serve a purpose, you are giving back to America) Give the information to everyone and let them make up their own minds. 

The policies are keeping the doctors from doing their jobs.

Credit (what credit does gov't stand on)
How come gov't doesn't have to put back money into the deficit like americans have to put back into our credit cards when we borrow. 

"If you wanna reach out to the world Let the world in" "It's what God would do"-Joshy
The republicans hide in the church. It shouldn't be the fear of what could happen, you should believe in the change that it can be a better nation.

Parents have quit and are disconnected from their children. The need for sex ed in school. If you gonna speak abstinence teach sex ed. They should not be separated. 

They turned our Defense into an Offense. It doesn't help our economy it only helps your economy. 

If we don't change the perception of America in our history books and life, we are doomed to repeat it. 
It repeats itself every 10 years.  Stop believing the hype of fear. Get educated people.

Mo' money mo' money mo' money,,for Their kids

"If you are not in the government you should be for the people" Stop defending them!

We not crying, We are just trying to survive!

25 years of Republicans and they fucked the shit up. We had Clinton and they get him out on someone "thankin" him. 

Make sure you register before Sept 30th. Rock The Vote

Words by my Bro

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Harlem Hospital (Sick Care in America)

What an interesting and eye opening day.  I was so saddened by the way Harlem Hospital treated my friend, my fam.  I saw my friend lie in his bed that hadn't been changed in a few days.  Stool samples that were just chillen on the window sill. His girl and I took it upon ourselves to get the shit done for him.  The hospital nurses couldn't have a freaken clue.  I was sooo tight.  It seemed almost comedic how horrible the care or non-care was at this hospital.  Something has to be done.  It's infuriating.  And then they gotta go and pay them thousands of dollars to still be sick.  BULLSHIT!!!!  I'm writing a letter.

New York State Department of Health
Centralized Hospital Intake Program
433 River Street, 6th floor
Troy, New York 12180