Wednesday, September 24, 2008

L.O.V.E on MTB4

Love is in the air for Dawn and Q. What's so endearing about watching these two in the beginning blooming stages of their relationship, is that we've all had those feelings once or twice or every time we get with a new person that's worth something. You watch them and either can't help but smile and say "I want that or have that",,or say,,"Wait, it won't last long".  But what happens when the newness fades,,what I'm finding,,is that the LOVE, the real LOVE, grows stronger, but not by chance, by work. When the emotions of the grand fairy tale ideas don't necessarily come tru by story book standards, like always being swept off your feet, if you have true love, it exists in everything. It's not flowers and candy, gifts, dates, everyday sex. It's the appreciation that everyday you are able to be with that person and enjoy them for who they are, what they are giving to the relationship, and how they continue to grow, and how you continue to grow separate and together. Through trials and errors, through forgiveness and honesty,  through good times and everyday times,,,,that's LOVE.

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